二十世紀の奇跡スブド (Miracle in 20th Century -Subud-, Original Title:Concerning Subud)

Author: John Bennett Translation: Rin Jubishi, Tetsuya Tatebe and Kikue Maeda (1958)
Published by Riso-sha (理想社)
A first book concerning Subud published in Japan. John Bennett who was a leader of Gurjieff Work Group wrote about the encounter with Subud and his latihan experiences. -

You can read English Edition here.

スブド-内なる生命との出会い (Subud - Meeting with Inner Life, Original Title: Subud)


Author: Robert Lyle Translation: Rozak Tatebe and others
Published by Merkmal (めるくまーる)(1985/4/30)
192 pages / B6 size

Easy-to-Understand handbook about Subud. This book was written more than 20 years later after Subud was founded. During this period, members had a lot of experiences and understand the latihan of Subud more accurately.  

ISBN-10: 4839700303
ISBN-13: 978-4839700300

You can purchase this book on Amazon.co.jp.

未来からの贈り物 (Gift from the Future)

Pubushed by Yaegashi Shobo (八重岳書房) (1998/09/15)
286 pages / B6 size
Muhammad Subuh's Talks and members' latihan experiences.  

ISBN-10: 4841221905
ISBN-13: 978-4841221909
You can purchase this book from Subud Japan.
You can also purchase this book on Amazon.co.jp

自叙伝 (Autobiography)

Author: Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwijoyo Translation: Subud Japan
Published by Subud Japan (1987/7/25)
93 pages / 23.2 x 15.7 cm
Autobiography of Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwijoyo \1,000 (tax & postage not included) You can purchase this book from Subud Japan.

スシラ ブディ ダルマ (Susila Budhi Dharma)

Author: Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwijoyo Translation: Subud Japan
Published by Subud Japan (1987/7/25)
246 pages / B6 size
The reality of the latihan received by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwijoyo in Javaese. He himself translate his receiving into Indonesian and later it was translated into many languages. \2,500 (tax & postage not included)  You can purchase this book from Subud Japan.

Subud-A Spiritual Journey (魂の究極の旅)


Author: Rozak Tatebe
Japanese Edition is published by Tama Shuppan (たま出版) (2008/7/15)
ISBN-10: 4812702607
ISBN-13: 978-4812702604
245 pages / B6 size

English Edition is published by BookSurge Publishing (2008/11/7)
198 pages / Paperback

A Japanese member Rozak Tatebe's autobiography mainly focusing on the latihan experiences. ¥1,620

You can purchase Japanese Edition on Amazon. co.jp.

You can purchase English Edition on Amazon.com.

Downloadable Publication

スブドハンドブック (Subud Handbook)

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